· OSEAN has published scientific papers on marine litter study. Here are our research papers published in international and Korean journals.
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  • Jang et al. (2014). Designing and assessment of policy alternatives of marine debris: foc

  • 2019-07-02
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Designing and assessment of policy alternatives of marine debris: focusing on measures to increase recycle ratio of styrofoam buoys

Yong Chang Jang, Jongmyoung Lee, Sunwook Hong, Mi Jeong Lee, Jong Su Lee


Styrofoam buoys from aquaculture are one of the main sources of marine debris in Korea. Though styrofoam buoys are recycled under the Extended Producers" Responsibility, the recycle ratio is as low as 28%, while the ratios of other products are as high as 60-80%. In order to design policy alternatives to increase the recycle ratio, firstly we reviewed the reasons of low recycle ratio. After the policy alternatives were designed with the viewpoint of New Institutionalism, the effectiveness and the feasibility of the policy alternatives were assessed by participants to an workshop. The participants assessed the effectiveness of ‘Deposit of Styrofoam Buoys" as the highest, and the feasibility of "Statistics Management System of Styrofoam Buoys" as the highest. In order to increase the recycle ratio and to prevent marine debris, new institutions that may change the behaviors of the stakeholders are needed.


Marine debris, Extended producers responsibility, New institutionalism


Yong Chang Jang, Jongmyoung Lee, Sunwook Hong, Mi Jeong Lee, Jong Su Lee (2014) Designing and assessment of policy alternatives of marine debris: focusing on measures to increase recycle ratio of styrofoam buoys. The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies 18(1):75-97
