• [Marine Litter News] 2024 Guidelines for Authors

  • 24.03.19
    Hit 444

Guidelines for Authors

Dear authors of Marine Litter News,

On behalf of Asia Pacific Civil Forum on Marine Litter (APML), we sincerely thank you for joining our community of concerned researchers, educators, citizen scientists and activists passionate about addressing the seriousness of marine litter. We believe that your valuable participation in Marine Litter News will not only help build the momentum on tackling marine litter, but also push the conversation forward. For purposes of formatting and consistency, please follow the guidelines below when submitting your article.

1. Composition of the article

(1) Title

- Please keep your title short and sweet by being concise without omitting any keywords.

- We recommend that you indicate the country in the title of your article.

(2) Name of the author

- Please include your full name.

- In addition to your name, please include the name of your organization, your position at the organization, and your email. This information is also needed for co-authors.

(3) Figures, maps, or tables

- To aid the readers, we encourage the use of figures, maps, or tables.

- If your article is referring to a particular geographic area, we strongly recommend that you include a map for reference.

- For each figure, map, and table, there must be accompanying captions that provide relevant explanations.

- If your article includes any figure, map, or table please submit these as separate files in high resolution; originals are recommended.

(4) References

- Please include any references used in your article.

- You may use a footnote or an endnote but please use the APA 7 citation style.

2. Article Submission, Acceptance, and Edits

- Anyone may submit articles by sending them to osean@osean.net

- Marine Litter News is e-published biannually in May and November. Articles must be submitted by late April and/or early November respectively.

- Most articles on marine litter will be accepted as long as they are coherent. We recommend that you keep your articles within 500-1000 words. Articles of more than 1000 words will be subject to the editor’s approval.

- All articles will be edited by the editors and revised with the approval of the author prior to its publication.

3. Publication Fees

- Publication fees will neither be requested nor provided to the authors.

 2024 Schedule

 1st Issue (May)

 2nd Issue (November)

 Call for articles

 March 31, 2024

 Oct. 2, 2024

 Deadline for submissions

 April 15, 2024

 Oct. 31, 2024

 Review and feedback

 May 1 - 7, 2024

 Nov. 1 - 5, 2024

 Edits and revisions

 May 8 - 21, 2024

 Nov. 6 - 15, 2024

 Final proofreading

 May 22 - 28, 2024

 Nov. 18 - 22, 2024


 May 31, 2024

 Nov. 29, 2023

Thank you for your cooperation,

Sunwook Hong (Ph.D.)

Editor-in-Chief of Marine Litter News
