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  • Jang et al. (2018). Development of Educational Activity Books for Children and Teenagers ...

  • 2019-07-02
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Development of Educational Activity Books for Children and Teenagers based on Marine Environment Literacy and Competency of Marine Environmental Education

Meejeong Jang, Sujung Lim Cheol Cheong, Sunwook Hong, Jongmyoung Lee



This study aims to develop educational activity books for upper grades of elementary school and entire grades of middle school, having legal ground of the 1st National Marine Environmental Education Plan (NMEEP) from 2016 to 2020. The books were based on nine principles, which include seven principles from the Ocean Literacy of NOAA, USA, and additional two principles of ‘Human activities threatening oceans have increased’ and ‘Protecting ocean becomes more important,’ and six competences of environmental education. Prior to the development, we conducted theoretical reviews, study design, status analysis, and demand surveys for students and teachers in elementary and middle schools nationwide and developed the curriculum. Experts of environment education, marine environment, and current teachers participated in organizing the framework and main themes, setting the goals, and writing chapters suitable for targets. The book for children mainly comprises play-oriented activities and intended to foster children’s knowledge, attitude, and values on marine environment through the various activities. Teaching-learning methods like role playing, game, and writing letter were hired for encouraging actual practices in children’s daily lives. The book for teenagers consists of marine environment activities such as role playing for ecosystem conservation and drawing cartoons, which are feasible even in classrooms. Each book includes guidance for teacher and provides further information. Two books are the first publication based on the NMEEP and this study is seen as a start to motivate active discussions on marine environmental education. We expect more efforts and actions for ocean conservation by raising awareness, sensibility, and sympathy for marine lives and ecosystem. 


Marine environmental education, Activity books, Marine environment literacy, Competency of marine environmental education


Meejeong Jang, Sujung Lim Cheol Cheong, Sunwook Hong, Jongmyoung Lee (2018) Development of Educational Activity Books for Children and Teenagers based on Marine Environment Literacy and Competency of Marine Environmental Education. Korean Journal of Environmental Education 31(2):153-166
