• [International Seminar] 5 SEP 2023 - Plasticrusts: A new potential threat in the Anthropocene's rock

  • 23.09.01
    Hit 479

Dear All,

OSEAN, Our Sea of East Asia Network, has been conducting regular seminars and started sharing those results with more people in public online seminars. Seminars start every Tuesday at 10:30 am and last about an hour. 

The first weekly seminar of every month is held as an international seminar. 

We look forward to the participation of many colleagues.

- Title: The 491th Ocean Seminar: Plasticrusts: A new potential threat in the Anthropocene's rocky shores - ScienceDirect

                                               Field observations in pebble beach habitats link plastiglomerate to pyroplastic via pebble clasts - ScienceDirect

                                               Plasticrusts derive from maritime ropes scouring across raspy rocks - ScienceDirect

 - Date: 5th Sep 2023, 10:30 - 11:30 AM (Seoul, KST, GMT+9)   

 - Recurring Zoom Link (Click here) 


    (If required password: 1234)

We encourage all of you to participate and actively share opinions and thoughts.  

Best regards,

Eunseon Bak (YP)
